Connectivity Management Security Enhancements

This release of Connectivity Management includes the following security enhancements:

  • Support for two factor authentication.
  • Improved user access logging.
  • Ability to logout all users.
  • Restricted permission granting rights.

Two Factor Authentication

To improve the overall security of an account, each individual user can be set up with two factor authentication.

Two factor authentication is useful for users who are logging in to Connectivity Management on an untrusted machine or network.

It provides an additional layer of authentication and blocks remote hacking attempts, since it requires the user to be authenticated using a password and an additional physical device.

When two factor authentication is enabled, the user can only access the platform if they are using the correct combination of password and device.

The physical authentication can be performed via an authentication app, such as Google Authenticator. 

A user can generate up to five single use passwords. Once these passwords are used, they are destroyed.

Improved User Access Logging


For further information on this functionality, please refer to the User Guide documentation.

The ability to view all user access attempts to the platform has been introduced for this release. The log includes details of the time and date the access attempt was made and the IP address from which the access attempt originated from.

This enhancement allows users to identify failed log in attempts and determine which IP address the attempt originated from.

Logging Out All Users


For further information on logging out all users, please refer to the User Guide documentation.

The Logout All functionality allows you to logout all users who are currently signed in to the platform.

Discretion should be used when using this functionality as it logs out all users who are currently logged in to the application, including the user who clicked on the Logout All button.

This functionality is beneficial if, for example, a malicious user has accessed your account. The Logout All button allows you to kick the user out of the application.

Restricted Permission Granting Rights


For further information about assigning user permissions, please refer to the User Guide.

When assigning permissions to a user, you cannot assign the user with permissions that are not assigned to you.

For example, if you do not have the permission to activate a SIM then you cannot assign this permission to another user.

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