Generating Usage by IP Address Reports

The following screenshot displays the Usage (By IP) chart and outlines the steps to follow to modify the chart.

You can view this page by navigating to: Statistics>Usage (By IP).

This chart displays the total amount of data used by subscribers on the date selected, broken down by the IP addresses to which data was sent.

1.Select the date you want to view information for then click on the arrow button to generate the chart.

This chart displays the total amount of data used by subscribers on the date selected, broken down by the IP addresses to which data was sent.

It shows the IP addresses that have been sent the most amount of data on the selected date, up to a maximum of fifteen addresses.

Click on the key below the chart to add or remove IP addresses from the chart.


This table displays the IP addresses that have been sent the most amount of data on the selected date and specifies the amount of data each address has been sent.

Information is displayed for the top fifteen IP addresses which have received the most amount of data.

The information displayed in this table includes:

  • IP Address
    This is the IP address to which the subscriber sent data.
  • Reverse DNS
    This the hostname of the IP address to which the subscriber sent data. Note that this information is only displayed if the IP address is registered with a hostname.
  • Usage
    This is the amount of data the subscriber sent to the IP address.

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