Viewing a Reverse DNS Lookup for a Cellular Subscriber

This section explains:

  • What a reverse DNS lookup is.
  • How to view a reverse DNS lookup for a cellular subscriber.

What is a Reverse DNS Lookup?

The reverse DNS lookup functionality in Connectivity Management allows you to view the hostnames of the IP addresses to which your subscribers are sending data. This functionality displays the web address, or URL, to which data is being transmitted in addition to the IP address. A web address is only displayed for IP addresses which have a registered hostname.

Viewing a Reverse DNS Lookup for a Cellular Subscriber

To view a reverse DNS lookup for the IP addresses to which a cellular subscriber is transmitting data:

  1. Navigate to the subscriber management page for the subscriber you want to view.
    This can be achieved by using the Search Bar, for example.
  2. Click on the Analytics tab.
  3. Refer to the Reverse DNS table.
  4. The information displayed in this table includes:
    • IP Address 
      This is the IP address to which the subscriber sent data.
    • Reverse DNS 
      This the hostname of the IP address to which the subscriber sent data. This is only displayed if the IP address is registered with a hostname.
    • Usage
      This is the amount of data the subscriber sent to the IP address.

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