4.0 Subscribers

This is the reference documentation for the Subscribers endpoints.


You can generate an example call for each endpoint using the Try It Out button.

This call will not trigger any action on your account unless you add your authentication token to it.

components: schemas: Parent: properties: physicalId: type: string description: The physical ID of the parent subscriber. isEnabledOnParent: type: boolean description: Whether the subscriber is the currently enabled profile on the parent. type: object required: - physicalId - isEnabledOnParent description: The parent of this subscriber. If this is an eUICC profile the parent is the subscriber it is attached to. RelatedItems: properties: parent: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parent' profiles: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubscriberResponse' type: array description: A list of profiles which are attached to this subscriber. type: object description: 'Information about related items, such as profiles or parent subscribers.' example: '{parent: {}, profiles: [{ physicalId: 1234, isEnabled: false }]}' NetworkState: properties: isTransferring: type: boolean example: 'true' description: Indicates whether the subscriber is currently transferring data. isOnline: type: boolean example: 'true' description: Indicates whether the subscriber is currently online. type: object required: - isTransferring - isOnline SubscriberResponse: properties: physicalId: type: string example: '8944000000000000001' description: <p>The <em>physicalId</em> value depends on the subscriber type&#58;</p><ul><li><em>Cellular</em> - the ICCID</li><li><em>Non-IP</em> - the Device EUI</li><li><em>Satellite</em> - the IMEI</li></ul> subscriberId: type: string example: '447000000001' description: <p>The <em>subscriberId</em> value depends on the subscriber type&#58;</p><ul><li><em>Cellular</em> - the MSISDN</li><li><em>Non-IP</em> - the Device EUI</li><li><em>Satellite</em> - the Subscription ID</li></ul> dataNumber: example: '9999' description: |2- If the subscriber uses Circuit Switched Data (CSD), this field displays its data number. If the subscriber does not use CSD, this field is null. type: string nullable: true imsi: type: string example: '234150000000001' description: The International Mobile Subscriber Identity number. nickname: type: string example: Temperature Monitor description: The subscriber nickname. operatorName: type: string example: Operator One description: The name of the operator the subscriber is associated with. operatorCode: type: string example: op1 description: The unique operator identifier. tariffName: type: string example: TARIFF ABC description: The name of tariff the subscriber is on. lineRental: type: integer example: '1000' description: The tariff recurring line rental fee in pence (or the smallest unit of the tariff currency). connectionDate: pattern: '^(-?(?:[1-9][0-9]*)?[0-9]{4})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-(3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(\.[0-9]+)?(Z)?' type: string example: '2018-02-11T10:33:30.000Z' description: 'The contract start date, or date and time.' expiryDate: pattern: '^(-?(?:[1-9][0-9]*)?[0-9]{4})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-(3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(\.[0-9]+)?(Z)?' type: string example: '2020-02-11T10:33:30.000Z' description: 'The contract end date, or date and time.' contractLength: type: integer example: '24' description: The tariff contract length, in months. isBarred: type: boolean example: false description: |- <p>Indicates if the subscriber is barred.</p><ul><li><em>True</em> - the subscriber is barred.</li><li><em>False</em> - the subscriber is not barred.</li></ul> isActive: type: boolean example: true description: <p>Indicates if the subscriber is active.</p><ul><li><em>True</em> - the subscriber is active.</li><li><em>False</em> - the subscriber is not active.</li></ul> terminateDate: pattern: '^(-?(?:[1-9][0-9]*)?[0-9]{4})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-(3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(\.[0-9]+)?(Z)?' example: '2018-12-11T10:33:30.000Z' description: 'The date, or the date and time, at which the subscriber''s contract was terminated. This is null for active subscribers.' type: string nullable: true groupId: type: integer example: 99 description: 'If the subscriber is a member of a group, this field displays the unique group identifier. This is null for subscribers that are not in a group.' subscriberType: type: string example: virtual description: Indicates whether the subscriber is physical or virtual. networkState: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NetworkState' eid: type: string example: '39049987000001000000004406147560' description: 'If the subscriber is an eUICC SIM, this field displays its EID.' dataUsage: type: number example: '20480' description: The total amount of data the subscriber has sent and received during the current billing period, in bytes. smdpProvider: type: string example: Provider One description: 'If the subscriber is an eUICC SIM or eSIM profile, this field displays its SMDP provider.' related: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RelatedItems' type: object required: - physicalId - subscriberId - dataNumber - imsi - nickname - operatorName - operatorCode - tariffName - lineRental - connectionDate - expiryDate - contractLength - isBarred - isActive - terminateDate - groupId - subscriberType - networkState PatchBody: properties: nickname: maxLength: 256 type: string minLength: 0 example: SubscriberNickname1 description: The subscriber nickname that you want to assign. type: object required: - nickname info: title: Subscribers version: 4.0.0 description: '<p>Retrieves information about your account subscribers.</p><p>For a specific subscriber or for all subscribers, you can use these endpoints to retrieve the&#58;</p><ul><li>Operator and tariff details</li><li>Contract start and end dates</li><li>Activation status</li><li>Network state</li><li>Unique identifier, such as ICCID or IMSI</li><li>Subscriber type</li><li>Subscriber group (if assigned)</li><li>Data usage</li></ul><p>You can also update a subscriber nickname.</p><p>The word <em>subscriber</em> refers to any physical device or virtual profile that is subscribed to the network. This includes cellular devices, non-IP devices, satellite devices and eSIM profiles.</p>' openapi: 3.0.0 paths: '/subscribers/{physicalId}': get: operationId: SubscriberController.getOneSubscriber parameters: - in: path name: physicalId description: The unique subscriber identifier. required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: content: type: object $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubscriberResponse' description: Success - returns information about the subscriber. '404': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: properties: code: type: string message: type: string type: object description: Error - resource not found. summary: Returns information for the specified subscriber. tags: - Subscribers description: '<p>You must provide the subscriber''s <em>physicalId</em> as a parameter in the request. This value varies depending on the subscriber type&#58;</p><ul><li><em>Cellular</em> - use the ICCID</li><li><em>Non-IP</em> - use the Device EUI</li><li><em>Satellite</em> - use the IMEI</li></ul><p><br> To use this endpoint, your user account must have the <strong>View Subscriber</strong> permission enabled.' patch: operationId: SubscriberController.editNickNameOfSubscriber parameters: - in: path name: physicalId description: The unique subscriber identifier. required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchBody' description: PatchBody required: false responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: content: type: object $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubscriberResponse' description: Success - the subscriber nickname was updated successfully. '400': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: properties: code: type: string message: type: string type: object description: Error - invalid request. '404': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: properties: code: type: string message: type: string type: object description: Error - resource not found. summary: Updates the nickname for the specified subscriber. tags: - Subscribers description: '<p>You must provide the subscriber''s <em>physicalId</em> as a parameter in the request. This value varies depending on the subscriber type&#58;</p><ul><li><em>Cellular</em> - use the ICCID</li><li><em>Non-IP</em> - use the Device EUI</li><li><em>Satellite</em> - use the IMEI</li></ul><p>You must also provide the subscriber nickname in the request body.</p><p><br>To use this endpoint, your user account must have the <strong>View Subscriber</strong> and <strong>Update the Details of a Subscriber</strong> permissions enabled.</p>' /subscribers: get: operationId: SubscriberController.getSubscribers responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: content: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubscriberResponse' description: Success - returns an array of information about your account's subscribers. '404': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: properties: code: type: string message: type: string type: object description: Error - resource not found. summary: Returns a list of information about your account's subscribers. tags: - Subscribers description: 'Returns a paginated list of information about your company''s subscribers.<p><br><p>Optionally, you can order, offset, limit and filter the results.<p><br> You can filter results by any field and order them by&#58; <ul><li>Connection date</li><li>Expiry date</li><li>Termination date</li><li>Tariff</li><li>Line rental</li></ul><p><p><br>To use this endpoint, your user account must have the <strong>View Subscriber</strong> permission enabled. </p>' parameters: - name: limit in: query description: 'Specifies the upper limit of the number of results to return. This filter has an upper limit of 100.<p>For example, setting this to 10 limits the query to returning a maximum of ten records.</p>' schema: type: number maximum: 100 default: 25 - name: offset in: query description: 'Offsets the returned results to begin at a particular record count.<p>For example, setting this to 10 causes the query to skip the first ten records in the data set.</p>' schema: type: number default: 0 - name: filter in: query description: 'Filter the results the query returns.<p>For example, to retrieve all users called Tom, with an age above 21, set the filter to - name eq "Tom" and age gt 21''.</p>' schema: type: string - name: orderBy in: query description: 'Order the results by a particular field in either ascending or descending order.<p>This parameter supports multiple fields for sorting, for example, ''name ASC, created DESC''.</p>' schema: type: string