4.0 Subscriber actions

This is the reference documentation for the Subscriber actions endpoints.


You can generate an example call for each endpoint using the Try It Out button.

This call will not trigger any action on your account unless you add your authentication token to it.

openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 4.0.0 title: Subscriber actions description: |- <p>Perform troubleshooting actions for your subscribers.</p><p>You can use these endpoints to&#58;</p><ul> <li>View a list of available actions</li> <li>Refresh the subscriber services that are currently running (SIM refresh) </li> <li>Disconnect/reconnect a subscriber (forces a new connection)</li> <li>Perform a SIM swap between two subscribers to transfer products, services and tariff details from one SIM to another</li></ul><p>The subscriber actions you can perform depend on the subscriber type and network.</p><p><strong>Note -</strong> Some endpoints require you to pass the subscriber <em>physicalId</em> parameter in the request. This value varies depending on the subscriber type&#58;</p><ul><li><em>Cellular</em> - use the ICCID</li><li><em>Non-IP</em> - use the Device EUI</li><li><em>Satellite</em> - use the IMEI</li></ul> servers: - url: 'https://api.iot-x.com' paths: '/subscriber-actions-api/subscribers/{physicalId}/actions': get: summary: Returns a list of actions you can perform for the specified subscriber. description: '<p>You must provide the subscriber''s <em>physicalId</em> as a parameter in the request. This value varies depending on the subscriber type&#58;</p><ul><li><em>Cellular</em> - use the ICCID</li><li><em>Non-IP</em> - use the Device EUI</li><li><em>Satellite</em> - use the IMEI</li></ul><p>To use this endpoint, your user account must have the <strong>Perform Troubleshooting Actions on a Subscriber</strong> permission enabled.' tags: - Actions parameters: - name: physicalId in: path description: The unique subscriber identifier. required: true allowEmptyValue: false schema: type: string example: '89400000001' responses: '200': description: Success - returns a list of actions that you can perform for the specified subscriber. content: application/json: schema: type: object $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubscriberActionsResponse' '/subscriber-actions-api/subscribers/{physicalId}/actions/{actionName}': post: summary: Performs the specified subscriber action. description: '<p>The <em>actionName</em> and <em>physicalId</em> are required parameters in the request.</p><br><p>The <em>physicalID</em> value depends on the subscriber type&#58;</p><ul><li><em>Cellular</em> - use the ICCID</li><li><em>Non-IP</em> - use the Device EUI</li><li><em>Satellite</em> - use the IMEI</li></ul><p><p>The available <em>actionNames</em> include</p><ul><li>refresh</li><li>disconnectReconnect, and</li><li>view_swap.</li></ul><p>To perform a SIM swap between a faulty SIM and a new SIM, you must&#58;</p><ul><li>provide the subscriber <em>physicalId</em> of both the faulty SIM (path parameter) and the new SIM (in the request body), and</li><li>make sure that the new SIM is unactivated and belongs to the same operator as the faulty SIM.</li></ul><p>To use this endpoint, your user account must have the <strong>Perform Troubleshooting Actions on a Subscriber</strong> permission enabled.</p>' tags: - Actions parameters: - name: physicalId in: path description: The unique subscriber identifier. required: true allowEmptyValue: false schema: type: string example: '89400000001' - name: actionName in: path description: The name of the action you want to perform. required: true allowEmptyValue: false schema: type: string enum: - refresh - disconnectReconnect - view_swap example: refresh requestBody: description: 'For the view_swap action, you must provide the physical ID of the new SIM (<em>newPhysicalId</em>) in the request body.' required: false content: application/json: schema: type: string example: '{ "newPhysicalId": "8944200000000000002" }' $ref: '#/components/schemas/actionPostBody' responses: '204': description: Success - the action was performed. '400': description: Error - invalid request. '404': description: Error - resource not found. components: schemas: SubscriberAction: properties: name: type: string description: The action name. example: refresh description: type: string description: A description of the action. example: Sends an instruction to refresh the services on the subscriber's SIM. SubscriberActionsResponse: properties: content: type: array description: Returns a list of actions that you can perform for the specified subscriber. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubscriberAction' actionPostBody: properties: newPhysicalId: type: string example: 8944200000000000000 description: The physical ID of the new target subscriber. type: object required: - nickname