Key terms

The key terms are organized by usage:

  • API terminology
    This section provides definitions for general terms that are used in relation to the API.

  • API parameters
    This section provides definitions of common parameters that are used in the API

API terminology

The following table defines key terms that are used throughout the API documentation:


An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a communication framework that makes it possible for one application to access another application's features or data. Our API allows you to integrate the functionality of Connectivity Management into your own application.


The endpoints in the API share a common base URL to which endpoint paths are appended. For example, the API's base URL is: To refer to the Users endpoint, you add /users to the base URL: A complete list of the API's endpoints is available in the Reference documentation.


The API enforces an authentication process to verify that the user accessing the API is who they claim to be. If the API permitted unauthenticated users to make API calls, there would be a risk that data could be disclosed to an unknown party. Before you can make an API call, you must verify your identity by going through the authentication process. The API uses OAuth for authentication purposes. Further information about this process is available in the topic How to authenticate API calls.


A call (sometimes also called a request) is a communication sent by the user to the API. It constitutes an HTTP method followed by a URL.

The HTTP method identifies the type of action you want to perform, and the URL identifies one or more resources that you want to perform the action on.


An endpoint is a unique URL that represents a resource or collection of resources. When using the API you identify the resource you want to interact with by adding it to the the API's base URL. The Reference documentation provides a complete list of the API's endpoints.

HTTP Method

HTTP methods, sometimes also called HTTP verbs, define the action you want to perform on a resource.

The methods supported by the API are: GET (for retrieving data), POST (for creating resources), PUT (for creating or updating resources), PATCH (for updating resources) and DELETE (for removing resources).

ParametersParameters are arguments that you include in an API call to influence the response. For example, you might pass in a query string parameter to limit or filter the results that a call returns. Further information is available in the Parameters topic.

Resources are items you can perform actions on and retrieve information about using the API. Resources are identified by a unique URL. The API includes resources such as "subscribers", "users" and "metadata".


An API response is the data that is returned in response to an API call. The API returns responses in JSON format.

The Reference section includes response examples and response schemas for each endpoint.

API parameters

The following table defines the common parameters that are used throughout the API documentation:


This parameter is used to filter the results returned by a call, using the API query language to define the filter.

Further information about the API query language is available in the Filtering topic.


This parameter is used to limit the total number of results that a call returns.

For example, setting this parameter to 10 means a maximum of 10 results will be returned.

Further information about this parameter is available in the Pagination topic.


This parameter is used to offset the returned results to begin at a particular record count.

For example, setting this parameter to 20 causes the query to skip the first twenty records in the data set.

Further information about this parameter is available in the Pagination topic.


This parameter is used to select the field to sort by and to define whether results are sorted in ascending or descending order.

The supported sort directions are "asc" for ascending order and "desc" for descending order.

Further information about this parameter is available in the Sorting topic.


This parameter is used in many of the endpoints to identify a specific subscriber.

A subscriber's physical ID differs depending on whether it is a cellular, satellite or non-IP subscriber.

For cellular subscribers, this is the ICCID. For satellite subscribers, this is the IMEI. For non-IP subscribers, this is the Device EUI.


This parameter is used in many of the endpoints to identify a specific subscriber.

A subscriber's subscriber ID differs depending on whether it is a cellular, satellite or non-IP subscriber.

For cellular subscribers, this is the MSISDN. For satellite subscribers, this is the Subscription ID. For non-IP subscribers, this is the Device EUI.